2023 WWHS Officers & Board
This year the Board of the Westfield Washington Historical Society made an effort to switch around most positions for our Officers and other Board members to change things up a bit. We did insist to have Diana Peyton continue as President, after all she made the 1835 Barker Family Log Cabin reconstruction happen, we all thought she should lead us in the first year of actual usage at least!
Here our elected 2023 WWHS Officers & Board Members
President - Diana Peyton
Vice President - Jeff Beals
Secretary - Susan Boyer
Programs & Newsletter - Terry Carrithers
Treasurer - Jim Peyton
Membership - Carisa Bregitzer and Paula Monroe
Curator / Communications - Michael Kobrowski
Archivist - Brendan White
Recorder - Tom Roberts
Executive committee:
Steve Osborne
Linda Osborne
Becky Brock
Lonnie Brock
Rachel Merrill