December 2015 Holiday Show & Tell
Post date: Mar 27, 2012 3:52:06 PM
Please join us in December for our annual Holiday Show & Tell Meeting. Members are encouraged to bring family and friends. We also invite any guests who wish to attend. Any and all are invited to bring favorite historical items to show and talk about their past. Bring a covered dish and/or dessert to share. The WWHS will provide the meat.
During this meeting we will also take nomination for board members and officers for 2016. If you or anybody you know is interested in helping preserve Westfield and Washington Township history, this is the time to speak up and support history!
Contact: Bruce Hansen at 317-626-8559 with any questions or post them here on this Facebook events page.
Please RSVP here to give us an idea how many people are attending. Also write a comment if you are bringing one or more people with you!